Monday, 18 April 2011

When Your Child Leaves Town

Hi my first blog

My barely 17 year old son just dropped the bomb on me.  He's leaving town to go live with his father & step mum... the same father that hasn't shown any interest in him his whole life.  Granted we have had our problems over the last 2 years... mainly teenage growing pains which didn't help when his father & stepmum muddy the waters there and my son ran away from home...then last year he & the girlfriend I didnt know he had, told me they were going to have a baby... again with help from the father & stepmum that ended very badly but we got passed that and I have a working relationship with the mother of my grandson...who had a very bad start to his life (heart operation) then my son moved back in with me again then he lost his job and now he is moving up to his father and stepmum the same people that have done nothing to help me in the last 17 years but has made a lot of the last 2 years hell for me, so at the moment life sucks...

So I as a mum am finding it very hard with the departure of my son in less than 6 hours, whom I wont probably see for at least 2+ years.  I think the hurt may never go away, I can only hope that it gets better.